Summer and Winter courses: Street Art in Rio

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Julia Moreira

Summer and Winter courses: Street Art in Rio

  • Modalidade O curso de verão do IED é realizado presencialmente.
  • Duração O total de horas/aula corresponde a 15h.
  • Certificado oficial Ao finalizar o curso o aluno receberá um certificado expedido pelo IED Istituo Europeo di Design.
  • Considerações O Curso de Verão de Arte de Rua traz um roteiro de visitas a pontos importantes da arte de rua carioca. Além de aulas teóricas que abordam desde o desenvolvimento da técnica do graffiti, história e arte, até materiais a serem usados para a execução do trabalho.
  • Dirigido a O curso está destinado a interessados em arte, design, arquitetura e na arte de rua em geral que falem inglês, idioma em que o curso é ministrado.
  • Área de atuação Ao completar o curso, o aluno terá a habilidade de conceber projetos nas mais variadas vertentes que sejam inspirados na cena do grafitti carioca. Sendo assim poderá atuar nas áreas de design, arquitetura, comunicação, arte e etc.

Summer and Winter courses: Street Art in Rio

  • Conteúdo Summer and Winter courses: Street Art in Rio

    Summer and Winter courses - Rio De Janeiro

    The workshop is dedicated to presenting and discussing aspects and the context of Street Art in Rio and includes themes such as the beginning, the development and the practice of graffiti as an artistic language and its evolution in the streets of Rio de Janeiro, one of the cities in Brazil where street art is most renowned. The workshop includes a theoretical portion, when information will be presented concerning the history of street art and its main artists, as well as a practical part where students will get in touch with tools and materials, as well as techniques and the practice of painting with spray cans. The students will also be introduced to the carioca graffiti scene, through a tour to the main street art spots of Rio de Janeiro.

    • Duration: 15 hours
    • Attendance: part-time
    • Language: English
    • Start Date: August

    Student’s Profile:

    Artists in general, design, fashion and art students, as well as people interested in the street art universe. People with some experience in drawing and/or painting.


    1. History of Graffiti: the beginning of graffiti, relevant artists and contemporary styles
    2. Typography: beginning the creative process with the drawing of letters
    3. The relations between Graffiti, Design and Fashion
    4. Techniques and practise of spray painting
    5. Visits and tour to graffiti spots in Rio de Janeiro
    6. Main artists of the carioca graffiti scene


    » The historic development of Street Art
    » The various forms of the street art language
    » The main supports, materials and production techniques
    » Practical introduction to spray painting
    » The Graffiti scene in Rio de Janeiro

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